
Right-wing nutjobs

TM #wingnut #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The Good The Bad And The Fugly

In Our Present State One Must Consider Standing In The Position That All That Is Occuring On Our Planet Is Eventually For The Ultimate Good Of All…
Even All Of This Weather Modification.
There Isn’t Any Such Thing :As The False Science Implies As Climate Change Or Global Warming.

It Is All Of It ,Fear Mongering To Control The Masses… Such As In Allowing The Psychosis Of The Media To Create The Patterns Of History Through Human Mind Modification…

Therefore Do Not Allow Your Attention To Be Distracted… With The Exception; If You Are In Ground Zero.
In The End …
We Will All Of Us Experience Our Own…
Come To Jesus Moment In Time …
Giving Thanx And Accepting These Tough Blessons In Our Lives…
We Will Endure ,One Hope’s In Humility and Grace…
That Which Doesn’t Break Us
Will Only Make Us Stronger.
All Things Must Pass
As We Continue To Be Tested .

Place Your Beliefs Within The Loving Embrace Of Our Father…
Asking For Clarity And Grace From Our Mother…
Trusting In The Love Of The Son
That If We Are To Remain On Earth In Order To UpLift Humanity That We Will All Have A Place Within The Peaceful Paradigm Of The Reformation And Restoring This Earthly Paradise To It’s Originally Intended Form. In Order To Be Reestablished Within Creation ;
Before The Corruption Of The Fugly…

I AM Placing ALL Of My TRUST On Creator.

Only This, Allows Me To Navigate These End Of Days With The Semblance Of Inner Peace And Ease That Our Creator Has Intended Before Our Final Release.

Forward Synthesis #elitist #wingnut datasecretslox.com

[Universal franchise] made things worse. Abolishing the vote for most of both blacks and whites would be preferred, but I'm not a believer in absolute equality to begin with, so I don't care if we get there by bits and pieces. You're getting into the danger zone as soon as the voters don't comprise a small aristocracy of people who all know each other and have a vested interest in upholding a foundational constitution. Every little step away from ideal is bad, so yes, letting blacks vote more easily was worse for long term societal outcomes.

Tatsuya Ishida #wingnut #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[Submitter’s note: In recent comics, the riot cops have been shown to be tools of oppression under control of the Anti-Defamation League]


A morbidly obese, non-white woman of ambiguous race, apparently a college professor teaching a class, points to a whiteboard.

Panel 1 - Professor says: “All white people are racist demons.”
Whiteboard says “Wypipo bad kill mayo monkey”, displays a bloody knife and severed head
Panel 2 - Professor says: “Whiteness is a disease, a plague that needs to be wiped out”
Panel 3 - Professor says: “Oh, and free Palestine”
Panel 4 - Riot cops beat her in front of the class

Wayne Allyn Root #forced-birth #wingnut facebook.com

2/3rds of US households have a dog. Most people I know treat dogs like their children. They might love them more than their children- because a dog never leaves & never disagrees. Thats how I know Kristi Noem made worst mistake in political history. She brags about killing puppy for acting excited & having fun while hunting. OMG. Some of u didn’t get it. Worst optics in history. Her career should be over. Anyone who brags about killing a dog for being hard to train…or because it kills a few chickens…is a heartless, nasty person. Thats what puppies do! But it’s funny how Democrats are shocked by this story…but they want to murder babies until moment of birth. They should all be disqualified for being heartless, nasty killers. It goes both ways. Value life.

Dave Shanken #pratt #wingnut vdare.com

First of all, the Liberals are the dominant group politically in the US and other Western nations. Therefore what Liberals want they usually get; no surprise to anyone with a knowledge of human events.

Second, the opposition to Liberals, classified as conservative by Prothero, is made of of disparate and often opposing groups, many favor/don't oppose the great Liberal victories of which Prothero boosts: legal pot and legal sodomy. Destroying freedom to own guns, an issue that all non-Liberals oppose, has not gone gone too well for the Liberals, as even the professor concedes. Internet freedom is still with us, in spite of massive Liberal opposition.

Also, while JFK might be classified as Liberal, in no way could Thomas Jefferson be considered Liberal. Jefferson flourished in the 18th century, today's political categories are not relevant.

DanlBoon #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

This is where we are at a stalemate of Resident Biden getting us into actual weapons WWIII war and CIC Trump moving into position of our present financial Republic WWIII war.

We have been going on for weeks and months for the RV, NESARA, GCR, QFS, R&R and EBS to be implemented, yet that has been stalled for our public unknown reasons.
Trump, the White Hats, the Chinese Elders and all the 1,600 world military generals are doing their own things, but are not in a final position of what the real answer is to get this done.
Now it is time for someone to pick up the pieces and get a so-called scare tactic out there providing an incentive for both sides to take advantage of it and it puts it in check of everyone here in America of what we are to do and who is willing to get involved, along with receiving their R&R and NESARA funds.

The Deep State called for the US Military Draft after the attack on Pearl Harbor and it was the Deep State that got us into WWII in the first place, but now we turn the tables on them and get it going for our own reasons and not theirs.

I am not promoting an actual weapons WWIII war, but it can get the illegal immigrants out of the country if they do not want to serve on our USA Republic side, which they will be deported as they cannot serve as Americans, and it also gets the lawful Sovereign Americans to be put in place to know what to do to receive their funding and check them off the list if they do not deserve them.
If we have the med beds then everyone can get in shape to serve in the US Military and there will be no more obese or unhealthy people, male, female and other genders. There will be no excuses this time as there are always positions to serve in public service while being handicapped.
Someone should put this out there so we can protest to get this financial WWIII finished and we The People take control even with our protest about this and get the January 6 protestors out of jail free of charge.

Alexander G. Markovsky #psycho #wingnut #racist americanthinker.com

[From “Israel: Terror Can Be Conquered Only With Greater Terror”]

Gangs of Hamas terrorists launched a violent assault on Israel, indiscriminately raping and killing women and children, torturing its soldiers, and taking hostages[…]
The indiscriminate bombing of Gaza appeared more as an act of desperation rather than a well-planned military campaign. It looked effective on TV screens but was often ineffective as a practical matter[…]
It became evident that despite decades of fighting terrorists, Israel has failed at the critical distinction that a war with terrorists differs from conventional wars[…]
Terrorism’s purpose is to terrorize, to break the will, and to paralyze society into submission

Therefore, terror cannot be defeated through conventional warfare. The terror can be conquered only with greater terror[…]
It is a reality of warfare that soldiers are expected to die. However, the deaths of women and children bring the horror close to home and demoralize the combatants and the entire society[…]
To destroy Hamas and prevent even greater tragedy in the future, Israelis must demonstrate unrestrained ruthlessness and unwavering determination[…]
The non-combatants are the terrorists’ mothers, fathers, brothers, and children. They provide moral, financial, and logistical support[…]
Israel shall keep in mind that friends will support it, while the international community will condemn Israel anyway. Therefore, as Nixon’s maxim goes, one pays the same price for doing something halfheartedly as for doing it completely[…]
The initial step involves doing as Churchill did: Continuing to bomb “until every home, factory, shipyard, and hospital is reduced to ruins,” and halting the irrational influx of humanitarian assistance, thereby increasing casualties while depriving the terrorists of vital resources such as sustenance, water, medical supplies, and weaponry. The second step is to offer these necessities only in exchange for the release of hostages

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

These anecdotes are hard to explain if the vax is safe. From a friend: “I can’t believe how much this vaccine has affected our family. Lost my father-in-law to turbo cancer he developed three months after he’s second shot. My other brother has turbo cancer now. I just lost two friends a week apart. It’s so heartbreaking.”
12:46 PM · Apr 28, 2024 · 178.4K Views
523 Reposts 17 Quotes 2,133 Likes 129 Bookmarks

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Postmodernism is a political ideology that developed in the late 20th century. It’s characterized by subjectivism and relativism and deconstructs Enlightenment concepts of reason, objectivity and merit. The root idea is that “everything is a social construct.” Thus, it asks, how can one identify and qualify merit.

The other root idea is that no real effort, insight or knowledge is required to achieve and have value in society. The end goal is leveling and is little different than the Illuminist revolutions described by Nesta Webster.
Postmodernists don’t truly believe everything is subjective, or “not real” (aka Cartoon or Clown World). After “disproving” existing reality, they choose a very specific new reality. They use subjectivism as a strategy to destabilize established thinking and tear down the pillars of Western establishment so that they may recreate society with their own Illuminist vision.

That vision is a socially-engineered “utopia” of anti-meritocracy, tyranny of the minority, pseudo-science, Orwellian double-think and control over speech and behavior.

This is the “everyone is a winner” cargo-cult philosophy. Cargo-cult thinking is the belief that if we simply emulate the visual evidence of achievement through materialism, then real achievement will follow automatically. If you build it, they will come.
The cult, once in ascendancy, can pursue the subjugation of the majority of the population (in this case, by targeting majority “identity groups”) on behalf of a numerically faux-oppressed elite (minority groups), who tell everyone else how they should think and what they can do and say. This is a bizarre “tyranny of the minority” or idiocracy/kakistocracy.
As the plebs inevitably begin to struggle and revolt against corporatism due to the externalities of predatory profit maximization, the Crime Syndicate Owners can opportunistically use postmodernism as an efficient way to suppress them.

Heather Mac Donald and Megyn Kelly #racist #wingnut #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On The Megyn Kelly Show, Heather Mac Donald endorsed the[…]“Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. Mac Donald, a fellow at the right-wing Manhattan Institute, declared that the “Great Replacement theory is real”[…]
While discussing campus protests against colleges doing business with Israel, Mac Donald said that conservatives should “shut down as much of the universities as we can” and “create as many alternatives as we can.” She added that they also must “speak up for Western civilization” and its values: “equality, tolerance, human rights, limited government”

“These are all exclusively Western ideas,” she said. “They came out of no place outside of the West. They didn’t come out of Africa. They didn’t come out of China. They didn’t come out of Arabia. They didn’t come out of India. And now the Left uses the bounty of beautiful Enlightenment ideas to try and tear down the Enlightenment”[…]
Mac Donald pivoted to giving a full-throated endorsement of the[…]“Great Replacement” conspiracy theory[…]
“The Great Replacement theory is real,” she declared. “We have decided to destroy our birthrate and to flood our country with cultures that en masse — en masse — are not compatible. We cannot assimilate the number of people who are coming, and we’ve decided we don’t even want to try”

And she said the “most galling thing” was that “the Left” claims that the U.S. and Europe are “fundamentally hostile to people of color” while at the same time claiming that Western nations are “oppressive” for not allowing in “millions of people” from “Third World places of color”[…]
“You can’t say that the West is endemically lethal to people of color, and at the same time say we want as many people of color to come in illegally into Western countries as possible because that’s where their lives will be improved[…]You get one or the other”

Kelly wholeheartedly agreed with Mac Donald, and mockingly said “That’s right. Or as they now put it, it’s not safe for brown and Black bodies”

Wayne Allyn Root quoting childhood best friend #fundie #magick #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

And then real life story #2. My childhood best friend is a strong believer in God. But he is non-political. Yesterday he reached out to me via text to say, “I’m going to say something very odd now. I don’t believe Trump can be stopped. He’s touched by God. He’s super-human. He’s got something supernatural supporting him. I don’t think anyone can stop him. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a human being on the earth surrounded by this supernatural force. Trump doesn’t even age like all the other presidents in history. He looks the same as 8 years ago – even after all he’s been through. He doesn’t ever get down, even though he’s taking deadly shots left and right. He’s superhuman, unstoppable, unflappable. We are witnessing a miracle.”

There are those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Do you believe in miracles? It’s time to start believing. What’s happening is supernatural. Everyone is starting to see it. Everyone is starting to believe. The signs are there. Trump is “the Chosen One.” Trump is sent by God and blessed by God.

What we are all witnessing is “The Trump Miracle.”

Ken Ham #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Happy Earth Day. Joe Biden is using Earth Day to push climate change again. The climate change he desperately needs is spiritual climate change to trust God’s Word and the gospel and give up his evil ways regarding marriage, gender, and so much more.

Yes, we are to take care of the environment and use it for man's good and God’s glory. God gave man dominion over the creation (Genesis 1:26–28)—not the other way round, as Joe Biden is trying to force on everyone.

Oh—and Joe Biden should get a copy of my new book and learn the truth about climate change.

And Joe Biden, man will never destroy the earth!

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).
imageimageimageLast edited 4:46 AM · Apr 23, 2024 · 5,293 Views
52 Reposts 3 Quotes 191 Likes 8 Bookmarks

Zachriel #transphobia #wingnut peekinthewell.net

To the extent that the statement might have a glimmer of truth around the “inevitable” and “natural” adjectives, the motivation of the right-winger would be that the latest left-wing agitation is just plain silly, and not worth the upheaval. That’s what left-wing movements have been, since the storming of the Bastille: There is inequality, and addressing the inequity is worth the social upheaval. The “right wing” reaction to this is, no dice, sorry common sense must prevail at some point, a pre-op tranny doesn’t have a “right” to use the womens’ restroom. So the left wing is a sales pitch, for anarchy; the right wing is rejection of the sales pitch, or at least a hostility against the pitch…those who claim to be “moderates,” therefore, ultimately have to become “right wing” at some point, since to approve of social upheaval, all the time as a constant, is as decent a definition of extremism as any.

Judge Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy paulstramer.net

There is an American Government.

There is also a Federal Government called the United States Government, which exercises certain enumerated and delegated powers of the American Government, on behalf of the American Government.

These are, obviously, not the same things.

There are supposed to be three (3) Federal Subcontractors providing the American Government with stipulated and enumerated services.

There are presently only two (2) such Subcontractors --- and both of them are foreign.

The American Federal Subcontractor has been dormant since the Civil War Conflict.

The American Federal Subcontractor, known as the Federal Republic, was operated by the original Confederation of States (1781) doing business as the States of America.
The States of America, Incorporated, acting as the Federal Republic, was incorporated by the States of America, unincorporated.

The British Territorial entity, the United States of America, Incorporated, was chartered by the King of Scotland on behalf of Great Britain.

The Holy Roman subcontractor operating as the United States, Incorporated, was chartered by the Holy See.
This is also your Fair Warning and Notice that some hirelings of these foreign Federal Subcontractors, known as “Federal Agencies” and their corporation franchises have been misdirected to do dirty work for the Foreign Principals responsible and by the Federal Subcontractors themselves. These Agencies including the FBI, CIA, DARPA, DOD, DOJ, DHS, NSA, EPA, FEMA, BATF, IRS, USTPO, VITAL STATISTICS, DTC/DTTC, and others have been used as sock puppets and potential scapegoats to commit crimes under color of law at the direction of these foreign Federal Subcontractors. These crimes start with unlawful conversion, identity theft, fraud upon the courts, murder, genocide, crimes of state, conspiracy against the Constitutions, illegal warfare, embezzlement, racketeering, illegal surveillance, illegal detainment, pretense of war, inland piracy, and more.

Dairugger #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut archive.ph

Omar's daughter decries 'hypocrisy,' says anti-Israel students are '100% targeted' after suspension and arrest

Yeah... when you make an ass out of yourself and break a whole slew of laws you are targeted and punished. In other words Fuck Around and Find Out!

Here's the real kicker she going on mommy's talking point of being subjected to a chemical attack... somehow getting a snoot full of a novelty crap spray you can get off Amazon for $10 pales in comparison to Chorine Gas, Mustard Gas, VX Nerve gas, Agent Orange, or Zyklon B!

South Carolina Superintendent of Education Ellen Weaver #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia wltx.com

COLUMBIA, S.C. — State Education Superintendent Ellen Weaver is urging school districts across the state to ignore the new federal Title IX guidelines issued by the US Department of Education last week.

The regulations, aimed at preventing sex discrimination in schools, offer new protections to groups such as LGBTQ students, pregnant students, and victims of sexual assault. However, they do not address the issue of transgender athletes.

In a statement released by Weaver, she expressed concerns about the new rules, calling them "troubling" and stating that they create chaos and confusion for teachers, students, and parents.

[…]Weaver's letter recommends that districts refrain from implementing the new rules at this time, suggesting that a court may block the rules before their effective date. She argues that the Biden administration's actions undercut existing Title IX law and are an attempt to "redefine biological reality."

"Title IX applies to every school that receives federal funding, so ignoring these rules could put risk us losing federal dollars when our schools are already really underfunded," [Jace Woodrum, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of South Carolina], emphasized.

A.F. Branco #conspiracy #wingnut comicallyincorrect.com

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Third World Justice
A.F. BRANCO on April 19, 2024 at 5:00 am
imageA.F. Branco Cartoon – Almost everyone on the planet knows that Trump can not get a fair trial in New York, including the Democrats who are launching this travesty of justice. Trump is being charged with a misnomer that is beyond its statute of limitations, transformed into a felony based on a clerical error with no victim for the purpose of interfering in the 2024 election.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Many hospitals are all too happy to lop off breasts or a penis and send taxpayers the bill. Like Covid, it’s a giant scam being perpetuated by taking advantage of gender confused people. The Biden regime sees trans people and illegal aliens as a first status priority. Citizens are second. Christians are last. Women and black people are also pushed to the curb. It’s an election year and Biden is pandering to the hard left by fawning over the alphabet people.

AndrewC #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The biblical Exodus took place on Nisan 15 (early morning), 1476 BC, which freed the nation of Israel from physical slavery.

Exactly 3500 years later, (70 Jubilee cycles of 50 years), during the early hours of Wednesday, April 24, (according to the true biblical calendar), the second Exodus will take place, this time freeing modern Israel from financial slavery. (NESARA/GESARA, RV, GCR, etc.) In the process, the head of the snake, the evil, so-called elite (modern Egyptian first born) will also be taken down.

Are the White Hats going to be upset with me because I have revealed the timing of coming events ??

Benjamin Fulford #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The pedo-blackmailed and bribed acting troupe that pretends to be the US government just bought itself a little more than a week’s survival time by means of outright crime. The Rothschild/Rockefeller owners of the US Corporation did this by fooling many people with real money to invest in a hallucination of their creation known as Bitcoin. They also stole money Russia earned by selling real products such as gas and oil. However, since the US corporation is burning through a trillion dollars every hundred days, it means the $95 billion bribery bill they just passed only bought them a little over a week of time.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, the traitor who passed the bill is a brainwashed Christian Zionist completely comprised by the KM Deep State. Johnson is now finished politically as are the rest of the Satanists’ slave politicians.
Take NASA (Not A Space Agency) as an example. NASA in Hebrew means “to deceive.” The evidence is now overwhelming that NASA is a giant con job. NASA is a $26 billion per year fraud supported by murder and bribery.
Other frauds continue though. The war in Ukraine and the so-called fighting between Iran and Israel are cases in point. The $60 billion the KM plans to “send to Ukraine” will be mostly spent on buying stockpiles of old weapons to send to the synagogues there for resale on the world’s arms markets, according to Russian FSB sources.
Instead, a decapitation operation against the KM is continuing. We have confirmed that Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the head of the World Economic Forum and the UN has been removed as part of this battle. The other people targeted for termination include Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, John Podesta Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Mike Pompeo and the other usual suspects, according to MI6, Russian FSB and Asian secret society sources. It will continue until the KM loses the ability to replace these people with avatars and thus control the power centers they represent.

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #wingnut truthsocial.com

Four years ago I was a very successful and popular President of the United States and, in November, went into an Election where I received more votes, by far, than any sitting President in the history of our Country. Unfortunately, the Election was Rigged and Stolen, and our once great Country has quickly become a Nation In Serious Decline. Tomorrow morning I report to a New York Criminal Court for a Trial on, somewhat ironically, ELECTION INTERFERENCE, ruled over by Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, before a Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge, a failed Soros funded District Attorney who didn’t want to bring this case, which could have been brought eight years ago, but wasn’t, in an almost completely Democrat District. Virtually every Legal Scholar and Expert says that there is NO CASE, NO CRIME, NO NOTHING! IT IS A SHAM THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BROUGHT, EXCEPT TO TRY AND DAMAGE BIDEN’S POLITICAL OPPONENT, ME. SEE YOU TOMORROW MORNING!

4.51k ReTruths 15.9k Likes Apr 22, 2024 at 1:33 PM

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy kunstler.com

Do you wonder why “progressive” (i.e. batshit crazy) elite class women seem so unperturbed about the conspicuous number of rapes committed by “newcomers,” as they style illegal border-jumpers these days, who are by an overwhelming percentage “military-age men”? Because, having functionally transformed the ranks of American men into eunuchs, they relish the arrival of so many wild and lustful fellows on the scene, as long as — post the imagined bodice-ripping exploits — they can be dominated and domesticated into so many swimming pool cleaners and busboys to be ordered around.

Of course, much of that archetypal psychodrama is only played out in the batshit crazy mind of batshit crazy women; for the sake of decorum it is never acted-out. The lurid, shameful fantasies are instead displaced onto Donald Trump, the archetypal “Big Daddy” who so insolently evaded the castration shears of Hillary Clinton
It is the way of Homo sapiens that moral codes derive generally from the supervision of fathers in the upbringing of human young and, later on, as children develop into adults, these codes are archetypally re-enacted and enforced by men in the greater social matrix. Why? Because it requires a strong sense of boundaries. Boundaries are the essence of the “patriarchy.” Remove men from the scene, or castrate them politically, and you are sure to end up with a problem knowing right from wrong. We’re apparently subject now to the misrule of women with boundary problems who rebelled against Daddy and never got over it. It’s a peculiar irony — so far unexplicated by the hierophants of social theory — that the more affluent and successful Daddy was, the more he was hated for it by his female offspring.

The result of all that is the Democratic Party of our time as run by the batshit crazy women, fearful of sex and its consequence (babies), paradoxically subject to biological promptings and unable to find suitable mates among the men they’ve turned into eunuchs.

Wayne Allyn Root quoting nephew #magick #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

My nephew is a young doctor in California. He recently graduated medical school after being born with severe physical disabilities. He is a walking miracle and testament to the power of faith and prayer. For the past decade of college, medical school, and medical internship in California, everyone he met was a liberal Trump-hater.

48 hours ago, my nephew the doctor was working at a medical office in Los Angeles and he witnessed what he describes as a “supernatural miracle.” The news came on the television in the doctors office. The topic was Trump’s primary landslide in Michigan. He was expecting either groans, or hatred from everyone in the office. But then he witnessed something that shocked him like never before…

Someone in the office cheered Trump. And then another. And another. Soon the entire medical office was cheering and celebrating President Trump. Everyone. Patients, staff, doctors. Once they realized it was safe to express support for Trump, everyone let it all out. Everyone admitted they are on Trump’s side. In Los Angeles.

My nephew the doctor said, “Uncle Wayne, it was a miracle. I never thought I’d ever see anything like this. Something supernatural is happening.”

There’s those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Shocking truth about open borders HUMAN TRAFFICKING revealed - An interview with Miguel Casas

- Firearms training, Filipino martial arts, and the importance of faith. (0:01)-

- Immigration and asylum at the US-Mexico border. (35:17)

- Immigration, border control, and human trafficking. (40:35)

- Dreams and visions related to sheep, wolves, and the end times. (44:25)

- Potential threats to the US, including foreign invaders and domestic terrorism. (51:24)

- Child trafficking and how to identify and stop it. (1:01:07)

- Firearms safety and education. (1:04:11)

- Firearms training and knife craftsmanship. (1:07:46)

- Cannibalism and eating humans, with some cultural and historical context. (1:12:48)

- Firearms training, safety, and fun. (1:15:13)

- Gold-backed currency and its benefits. (1:21:16)

Larry Tomczak #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy charismanews.com

Imagine an America where people hated sin as much as they hated other people. Gathering with nearly 200 Christians and Jews for a solidarity event in Nashville, a leader suggested we change “anti-Semites” to “Jew haters” to drive home the seriousness of hatred.

“Don’t mess with me about hate for Trump!” declared Nancy Pelosi. She’s not alone. Politicians, celebrities, late-night hosts and commentators do it daily with the election months away.
The brutal reality is that this is the state of multitudes in America today. Sad to say, this describes many professing Christians who say they identify as “Trump haters,” with scores seemingly ignorant or oblivious to the dangerous direction of our country.
We hear hateful remarks every day. Has this become some kind of merit badge people proudly wear?

Have we drifted so far from our core values of respect, civility and honor toward individuals and leaders with whom we differ that we must lower ourselves to embarrassing levels of contempt, disdain and vitriolic name-calling?

Have we become so accustomed to profanity-laced attacks, rage and insults permeating our public discourse that we simply shrug our shoulders, wince and think, “Well that’s just the way it is today?”
Before we plummet to more dangerous levels of hostility, engendering the brewing societal civil war, we must stop and remind ourselves how seriously God views this escalating hatred. It’s demonically inspired, unacceptable, designed to destroy the fabric of our nation—and it is serious sin. The soon-to-be-released movie “Civil War” brings home this reality in a profound way.

Almighty God hates not people but sin! He is long-suffering but eventually will judge it and punish those who habitually practice it. He’s especially sensitive to those identifying as Christians yet hypocritical with hateful speech.

Joseph P. Farrell #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy amazon.com

Oxford-educated historian Farrell continues his best-selling book series on suppressed technology, Nazi survival and the postwar psyops with his new book Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops. Farrell discusses SS Commando Otto Skorzeny; George Adamski; the alleged Hannebu and Vril craft of the Third Reich; The Strange Case of Dr. Hermann Oberth; Nazis in the US and their connections to "UFO contactees;" The Memes–an idea or behavior spread from person to person within a culture–are Implants; Adamski's ET Message: The Danger of Weaponized Gravity; and tons more.

What do the following things have in common: George Adamski, Fascists, Nazi scientists, American engineers, the CIA, the Wall Street Morgan interests, I.G. Farben, ITT, SS Commando Otto Skorzeny, the post-war Nazi International, American Intelligence and the Mafia Drug Lords? Answer: they are all components of a "breakaway civilization" seeking to protect its control over advanced technologies and to project itself into outer space while waging a covert war here on earth with the same advanced technologies–and the rest of humanity be damned. Join internationally-known researcher Joseph P. Farrell in this next chapter in his expose of secret Nazi wartime and postwar research that he began in The SS Brotherhood of the Bell and Nazi International.

Sean Hannity #wingnut mediamatters.org

Citation From the April 18, 2024, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): I don't remember. We never reported, Lynda. We did report what some people do for a living. I think there was only one case we might have disclosed -- well, actually, I don't think we actually did give the exact location. But it's neither here nor there. I'm not looking to -- I'm not looking to make life difficult for anybody that wants to serve on a jury, but -- the jury pool, in this case, and the question is can an impartial jury, you know, occur for Donald Trump in New York City in Manhattan? I don't believe the answer is yes

Steve Kirsch quoting Larry Cook #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Larry Cook: Both my elderly landlords of 18 yrs got the COVID vaccine (against my advice), got turbo cancer, and died (6 days apart). They were great people, hoodwinked by their doctors.
Steve Kirsch: Not a coincidence. COVID vaccines are not safe or effective.
image3:18 PM · Apr 18, 2024 · 17.3K Views
176 Reposts 7 Quotes 749 Likes 20 Bookmarks

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

A better strategy for Trump on abortion would be to:

- Describe abortion & what Democrats want to be legal (ie. late term, infanticide), like he did during the Hillary debate)

- Savagely debunk the lies the left tells about abortion (“it’s healthcare” “it’s miscarriage care” “rape and incest”)

- Stop being afraid of “suburban mom” voters and SPEAK TO THEM

- Use stories of women who KEPT their babies to counter the emotion the left uses when they pretend all abortions are about 12yo girls
2:10 AM · Apr 9, 2024 · 27.1K Views
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Thor Han Eredyon via Elena Danaan #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick exopolitics.org

On April 11, 2024, government officials and military leaders from several Earth Alliance member countries met in secret to discuss a plan of action against the Deep State. The U.S. White Hats were there, as well as Putin, some representatives from Iran, and from “secondary power” Islamic states that have recently joined the Alliance, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among many others.

The Earth Alliance has been preparing to overthrow the Deep State for some time by buying back Islamist countries, such as Egypt, that were financially dependent on the Deep State’s banking overlords. When these countries regained their independence from the Deep State, they joined the Earth Alliance and switched sides.

This is not just a war between two countries; there is a deep and complex silver lining. The Iran-Israel conflict is just the tip of the iceberg. The reality behind it is about a deal. The Earth Alliance is trading a list of things, including: the Deep State and its assets leaving Ukraine and giving it away. When diplomacy didn’t work as expected, the second step was the scare tactics. However, the situation is more complex than that. Iran doesn’t want to get into a war; it’s just playing the threat to get the Deep State to back down on the terms of this multi-level deal.

If tragedy strikes, it will not be at the will of the Earth Alliance, but as a result of the resistance of the old paradigm. The dark institutions that have ruled this planet have lost their off-world support, and they would rather destroy everything in their fall than surrender. Therefore, deals have been worked out to avoid chaos and death.

These meetings and the decisions that have resulted from them have been made by the Earth humans in charge. We can only wisely advise and assist in critical situations, which we have done and will continue to do diligently, but the future of Earth is in the hands of the Earth’s people. You are not alone.

T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.